Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (2024)

Quick Links

  • Best Gloomstalker Ranger Starting Race And Background

  • Best Gloomstalker Ranger Ability Scores, Feats, And Subclass

  • Best Gloomstalker Ranger Spells

  • Best Gloomstalker Ranger Equipment

  • How To Use A Gloomstalker Ranger - Battle Tips, Strategy, And Analysis

Builds in Baldur's Gate 3 can get complicated quickly. With so many options between classes, races, and the vast plethora of magical items, keeping track of your build can become exhausting. When it comes to the Gloomstalker Ranger, the progression is thankfully much simpler than your average wizard or sorcerer.


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Prioritizing Critical Hit ratios and raw damage from any point on the field, the Gloomstalker Ranger is a deadly striker class you won't want off your team. Getting your ranger off the ground is thankfully easy, but if you want to make sure you elevate your ranger from a moderate damage dealer to a battlefield critical god, you'll want to follow this guide closely.

Best Gloomstalker Ranger Starting Race And Background

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (2)

A Gloomstalker Ranger will always benefit from any class with high mobility, meaning that the Wood Elf is always a solid and popular choice. However, there's a second (much better) class that often goes unnoticed by builds: the Half-Orc.

Why Half-Orc? Two Words: Savage Attacks.

Savage Attacks - When you land a Critical Hit with a melee weapon attack, your damage dice are tripled instead of doubled.

As such, this build will focus on maximizing Critical Hit chance through the use of multiple actions for a crippling damage monster.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (3)

The best background for a Gloomstalker will likely be any that ties in with Dexterity. Urchin is the best Background for a Gloomstalker, but others include:

  • Charlatan (+ Deception, Sleight of Hand)
  • Criminal (+ Deception, Stealth)
  • Entertainer (+ Performance, Acrobatics)

Best Gloomstalker Ranger Ability Scores, Feats, And Subclass


Base Score

Goal Scores

Method Achieved








+1 Auntie Ethel Hair OR +1 Ability Score Upgrade, +2 Mirror of Loss (Necromancy of Thay)




+1 Ability Score Upgrade













The number one focus for your stats should be Dexterity, giving you both a high starting DC and damage output. You'll increase it by +1 with an Ability Score Upgrade as well as Constitution, adding to your survivability in melee combat.

Wisdom and Charisma are interchangeable at 12 and 14 in whichever you prefer for your style. If this character is the one doing most of the talking, Charisma should be prioritized. If not, increasing your Wisdom will increase your Spell Save DC for Ensnaring Strike.

If your Gloomstalker is the character you want to use Auntie Ethel's Hair on, you can trade your Ability Score Upgrade, sacrificing a point in Constitution for an additional feat, taking the Sharpshooter or Dual Wielder feat (whichever one you didn't originally choose for the build below).

If you don't read the Necromancy of Thay and trade its knowledge at the Mirror of Loss, this build's Dexterity will be stuck at 18 instead of 20.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (5)

As a Ranger, your first major choice will be in your starting feats. We recommend:

  • Favoured Enemy: Bounty Hunter
  • Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer (Fire)
Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (6)

Later, you'll need to choose a fighting style. There are two styles we will be taking for this build due to its multiclass, and which style you choose should be determined by who else is in your party (e.g., if you need a melee striker vs. ranged attacker). Choose one:

  • Two-Weapon Fighting: Add ability modifier to off-hand attacks
  • Archery: Increase Ranged weapon attack hit by +2

Multiclassing As A Gloomstalker Ranger

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (7)

The Gloomstalker Ranger should absolutely be multiclassed for this broken build to take it all the way to the finish line. Once you reach Level 3 and gain your Gloomstalker class, you'll want to multiclass into Rogue and, later, Fighter.

The multiclass progression of this build entails the following:


Class Option

Level 1-3

  • Gloomstalker Ranger
  • Take either Two-Weapon Fighting or Archery
  • Favoured Enemy: Bounty Hunter - Gain Advantage on Ensnaring Strike
  • Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer - Gain Resistance to Fire damage

Level 4-6

  • Thief Rogue - grants +1 Bonus Action
  • At least take Expertise in Stealth

Level 7

  • Fighter
  • Take remaining feat of Two-Weapon Fighting or Archery

Level 8-9

  • Gloomstalker Ranger
  • Take one of two feats: Dual-Wielder or Sharpshooter
  • Gain Extra Attack and Misty Step

Level 10-12

  • Fighter (Battlemaster OR Champion)
  • Feat: Ability Improvement
Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (8)

The variation in this build depends on the role your Gloomstalker needs to fill. There are two divergences in pathing for this build:

  1. Archer or Melee Striker - Depends on what you need in placement. Archer will rely on Sharpshooter to deal immense damage from afar but does miss out slightly on benefits from Half-Orc, while Melee Striker takes Dual-Wielder for lowering Critical Hit chance even lower.
  2. Battlemaster or Champion Fighter - Overall utility versus further Critical Hit threshold reduction. Do you need your ranger to knock enemies Prone with Battlemaster or kill them quickly with an even lower Critical Hit minimum? Choose Battlemaster for increased field utility and base damage increase and Champion if you want to lower the Critical threshold further.

Best Gloomstalker Ranger Spells

Level Spell

Top Three Spell Choices


Hunter's Mark, Ensnaring Strike, Longstrider


Pass Without A Trace, Silence, Spike Growth

You will not often be using spells as a Gloomstalker Ranger, so choosing them will not be a great focus for this build. If you choose something else that deviates from the list above, don't fret.

Many of the spells included, like Ensnaring Strike, will be rare uses that give you a slight edge in specific circ*mstances. In general, the only spell you will get constant use from is Hunter's Mark - a top priority on this list.

Best Gloomstalker Ranger Equipment

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (10)

Equipment Type

Equipment Piece

Act Available


Method Obtained


Dark Justiciar's Helmet


Reduce Critical Hit requirement by 1 (effect is stackable) while obscured. Also gives +1 to Saving Throws against spells and +1 to Constitution Saving Throws.

Found inside the vault of the Silent Library in the Gauntlet of Shar.

Sarevok's Horned Helmet


Reduce Critical Hit requirement by 1 (effect is stackable). You cannot be Frightened or afflicted with other emotion-altering status conditions. Gain +1 to Constitution Saving Throws.

Reward looted from defeating Sarevok at the Murder Tribunal.


Spidersilk Armour


AC 12 + Dexterity modifier. Gain +1 bonus to Stealth checks. Gain Advantage on Constitution Saving Throws.

Looted from Minthara at Goblin Camp (you do not need to kill her; only knock her unconscious at minimum).

Yuan-ti Scale Mail


Add your Dexterity modifier to this armour (AC = 15 + modifier). No Disadvantage on Stealth rolls. Gain +1 to initiative.

Sold by Quartermaster Talli at Last Light Inn.

Armour of Agility


Add your Dexterity modifier to this armour (AC = 17 + modifier). No Disadvantage on Stealth rolls. Gain +2 to all Saving Throws.

Sold by Gloomy Fentonson at Stormshore Armoury.


Gloves of Archery


Ranged weapon attacks deal an additional +2 damage.

Sold by Grat the Trader at the Goblin Camp.

Legacy of the Master


Gain +2 to all attack and damage rolls with weapons. Gain +1 to Strength Saving Throws.

Sold by Dammon at the Forge of the Nine in the Lower City.


Disintegrating Nightwalkers


Gain free cast of Misty Step and cannot slip. Wearer cannot be Enwebbed, Ensnared, or Entangled.

Drop by defeating Nere in Grymforge.


Shade-Slayer Cloak


Reduce Critical Hit requirement by 1 (effect is stackable).

Sold by Sticky Dondo at the Guild Hall, Lower City Sewers.

Ring #1

Strange Conduit Ring


Deal an additional 1d4 Psychic damage with a weapon when concentrating on a spell.

Inside a chest in the Inquisitor's Chamber at Rosymorn Monastery Creche Y'llek.

Killer's Sweetheart


After killing an enemy, your next weapon attack is a guaranteed Critical Hit. Can be used once per Long Rest.

Loot from mirrored enemy of the protagonist in the Self-Same Trial in the Gauntlet of Shar.

Ring #2

Caustic Band


Deal 2 Acid damage with each weapon attack you make.

Sold by Derryth at the Myconid Colony.


Surgeon's Subjugation Amulet


When dealing a Critical Hit, you can choose to force the struck creature to become Paralyzed.

Loot item from defeating Malus Thorm in the House of Healing.

Melee Hand Weapon #1

Sword of Life Stealing


1d6 + 2 Piercing damage. Deal an additional d10 Necrotic damage and gain 10 temporary HP when dealing a Critical Hit. +2 weapon.

Sold by Dammon at Last Light Inn.

Blood Thirst


1d4 + 2 piercing damage. Lower Critical Hit requirement by 1 (effect is stackable). When striking with this weapon, enemy gains Vulnerability to Piercing damage.

Loot from defeating Orin the Red.

Melee Hand Weapon #2

Knife of the Undermountain King


1d6 + 2 Piercing damage. Reduce Critical Hit requirement by 1 (effect is stackable). If rolling a 1 or 2 to hit, reroll the die and take the higher number. Gain Advantage on attacks made on Obscured targets. +2 weapon.

Sold by or looted from A'jak'nir Jeera (Quartermistress) in Creche Y'llek.

(Conditional) Melee Hand Weapon #2

Sussur Dagger


1d4 + 1 Piercing damage. Silences opponent for 1 turn after a successful hit. +1 weapon.

Crafted in Blighted Village after gathering Sussur Bark.

Ranged Weapon (Pre-Act 3)

Bow of the Banshee


1d6 + 1 Piercing damage. Possibly inflict Frightened on a struck enemy. Gain +1d4 to your hit and damage on Frightened enemy. +1 weapon.

Sold by Corsair Greymoon in Grymforge.

Ranged Weapon

Dead Shot


1d8 + 2 Piercing damage. Lower required Critical Hit by 1 (stacking effect). Double proficiency bonus when attacking with this weapon unless you have Disadvantage. +2 weapon.

Sold by Fytz the Firecracker in Lower City.

The equipment of a Gloomstalker Ranger focuses on lowering the Critical Hit requirement and increasing output damage for a deadly striker-class attacker. While this build is geared more toward a frontline melee unit with high AC, it can also work exceptionally well as a midline archer.

The armour itself is optimized to ensure that no penalties against your Stealth occur while maximizing Armour Class potential.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (11)

In weapons, this build has a large range of options. But the most important is the Knife of the Undermountain King, giving not only a lowered requirement for Critical Hits but also a free reroll on hits.

After is the Blood Thirst weapon, applying Vulnerability to enemies for Piercing damage. As this build deals only Piercing damage at its core, this is a highly useful skill that will double your damage output before you've even tripled it for a Critical Hit.

The Sussur Dagger is a rarely-used optional replacement during fights with several (or dangerous) spellcasters.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (12)

Gontr Mael seems like the obvious choice at first, but it actually doesn't perform as well in this build as the Dead Shot. In our opinion, it's much better to have another support character cast Haste as the bow's Celestial Haste means you can't use Hunter's Mark. This frees Gontr Mael for another character who needs it more.

Dead Shot also lowers your Critical Hit rate further, even when you're not actively using the bow. When you are using it, you gain double proficiency when rolling to hit, meaning you can completely bypass the negative effects of the Sharpshooter feat.

How To Use A Gloomstalker Ranger - Battle Tips, Strategy, And Analysis

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (13)

Ability Scores







8 (-1)

20 (+5)

16 (+3)

8 (-1)

12 (+1)

14 (+2)





Spell Save DC


Minimum Critical Hit Requirement


Most Used Spell

Hunter's Mark


Dual Wielder or Sharpshooter, Relentless Endurance, Savage Attacks, Bounty Hunter, Wasteland Wanderer: Fire, Two-Weapon Fighting, Archery, Extra Attack, Dread Ambusher, Superior Darkvision, Fast Hands, Second Story Work: Falling, Improved Critical Hit, Sneak Attack

This is one of the rare builds that no matter where you place the Gloomstalker Ranger, you'll never go wrong.

With access to equipment that improves mobility and the Disengage and Dash bonus action feats, this build is an extremely versatile fighter that can easily switch between roles as the situation calls. Adaptable to melee and ranged combat, this build will likely be a key part of any battle.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (14)

Although absolutely deadly as an archer (and never to be underestimated), this build does excel slightly better at melee combat. Here's a breakdown of what a Turn One with Gloomstalker Ranger looks like.

  1. Optional: Cast Hunter's Mark on beefy target
  2. Make melee Dread Ambusher Attack
  3. Make two main hand weapon attacks; one with Sneak Attack
  4. Make one-to-two off-hand attacks
  5. Action surge for two more main hand weapon attacks

That brings the total of attacks on Turn One to six or seven attacks. If you use Haste, that number can improve all the way to 11 possible attacks (or eight, if you're in Honour Mode).

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (15)

With a Critical Hit minimum of 14 (Champion) or 15 (Battlemaster), you have an approximate 25-30 percent chance of dealing triple damage with any melee attack and double with ranged and spell.

Stacked with the application of Vulnerability to Piercing with Blood Thirst, Sneak Attack, Hunter's Mark, the Legacy of the Master gauntlets, and the Caustic Band, you'll be dealing well over a hundred damage on your first turn. Scary, right?

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (16)

In essence, your strategy is to go absolutely wild against your enemies with a barrage of merciless attacks. If you can poison a weapon or drink a potion before battle, all the better. This is the kind of build you can solo Baldur's Gate 3 with - a boss killer.

As you play, we do recommend keeping these tips in mind:

  • Always remember to set up your Sneak Attack by sneaking in or setting a party member in melee with your target.
  • Don't forget Hunter's Mark is there and deals an additional 1d6 damage with every attack.
  • Poisons go a very long way with this build; we recommend applying them before battle.

Have fun absolutely destroying your enemies in a single turn.


Baldur's Gate 3: Best Storm Sorcerer Build

This guide details everything you'll need to build a powerful Storm sorcerer in BG3.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Gloom Stalker Ranger Build (2024)


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